Field Trip Alternatives

All the fun without leaving home

girl and baby goat

Field trip alternatives are a great way to have the field trip experience without leaving home.

Although there are various places you can go and explore with children, another option is to have visitors bring their skills to your daycare home.

It's a great alternative to packing up the children, and bags of belongings. You can also schedule the visit so that it does not interfere with meals or quiet time.

One of the easiest ways is to think about the talents or expertise of your family and friends. Not only may they be able to help you out, they may also know others who can too.

Look over the list below to discover interesting ways to bring a special experience “into” your daycare home.

Field Trip Alternatives



Anyone with a basic knowledge of wood and tools is capable of showing/teaching children to build something simple. A birdhouse, perhaps?



All you need is one farmer and a baby animal or two to create a day care experience the children won't soon forget.



Many paramedics are volunteers themselves and are in a unique position to be able to introduce children to basic first aid and what to do in an emergency. Some daycare's have been able to have an ambulance show up for a tour. The children were allowed to go inside and see that it wasn’t as scary as they may have initially feared.


Florist/Greenhouse Owner

Everything about how plants grow, why different plants need different care, and flower arranging.



Everyone knows someone who plays a musical instrument. My own children were absolutely fascinated by my grandfather who played a concertina, an instrument similar to an accordion.


Boy Scout

Here’s a way to learn how to camp out of doors. How to set up a simple tent, what utensils are used for cooking over an open fire, and how to be safe in the woods.



Know anyone who performs magic tricks? This is one field trip alternative that will keep the children spellbound.


Holiday Visitors

Don't forget about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Everyone knows someone willing to dress up and act silly for awhile.


Cake Decorator

Just how do they make cakes look so beautiful?


Crafters Of Any Kind

Know anyone who makes homemade Christmas wreaths? Beautiful baskets? Ornaments? Crafts of any kind always make an interesting demonstration.



Invite some high schoolers to show the basics of tumbling, dancing, cheering. This is also an opportunity for the children themselves to practice the same moves.


Puppet Shows

Know anyone with a flair for the theatre? The show doesn't have to last long, but it will be entertaining for the children and a chance to see the puppets up close.



Clowns, juggling, and children just seem to go together.


A Reminder...

As a nice touch, have the children create a card to send to your “guest” after the event.

Field trip alternatives give you more options for learning experiences... and all from the comfort of your own home.


More fun ideas for kids:

Check out WORD SEARCHES for child-friendly puzzles in three different skill levels.

There are:

  • Themed word searches
  • Holiday word searches

OR... hop on over to the FREE PRINTABLES area for easy ways to plan activities.

You'll find:

  • Winter Sensory Picture
  • Matching Games
  • Number Coloring Pages
  • Five Senses Activity Book... and more

OR... peek into the KIDS ART ACTIVITIES section for lots of easy art projects using items you more than likely have on hand.

There are:

  • Group Art Projects
  • Painting Activities
  • Super Simple Art Ideas... and more.


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